Payroll Service
Pay your people quickly, simply, and correctly so you can deliver the perfect paycheck every time.
Payroll enables organizations to reduce processing time and ensure compliance by leveraging a single, end-to-end solution with an intuitive interface and powerful reporting. Because our payroll solution is unified with our HCM suite, it allows you to process payroll continuously and gives you instant access to reports and analytics in real-time — so you can save time, minimize risk, and create the perfect paycheck every time.
Watch our Detailed 15 Minute Payroll Demo Below
Real-time updates
With our HCM suite, our single solution with one employee record ensures that information updates continuously and in real time throughout the system. This means you don’t have to wait for data to sync with other modules or risk having incorrect data when you’re ready to process payroll.
Flexible pay rules
Our flexible pay rules engine makes it simple to determine pay associated with regular or OT hours and to support any number of scenarios — shift differentials, employees with multiple positions, locations, and more — enabling you to accommodate your organization’s unique requirements.
Timely compliance updates
Accurately complete gross-to-net calculations, and easily create the standard annual reporting forms needed to meet IRS requirements. Reduce your time spent researching regulations through automatic legislative updates, including the latest tax tables, to make sure withholdings are always accurate.
Key benefits
For HR Professionals
Increase payroll accuracy with a single solution for payroll, time, and HR
Streamline payroll processing, and spend time on more important initiatives
Improve compliance and mitigate risk with automatic updates to comply with the latest regulation changes
Reduce the administrative burden of processing employee changes and updates
Gain strategic insights through real-time reporting at the click of a button
For Employees
Get easy, instant access and manage personal information, including direct deposit information
View current and historical pay and benefits information at any time
Better understand pay with a tool to model paychecks
Complete and update government forms from any device
Get push, email, or SMS notifications
Key features of Payroll
- Real-time calculations and processing
- Built-in test environments
- Payroll prep checklist and quick links
- Position control with automated pay calculations
- Garnishment deduction wizard
- AI-driven payroll alerts
- Certified payroll support
- Weighted average overtime calculations
- Automated government form updates
- Quarter-end and year-end checklists
- Audit and change history reporting
- State and local tax identification and validation
- Vendor validation
- Automated reciprocity tax withholding
- Multi EIN support and consolidated reporting
- Multiple payroll processing
- General ledger processing
- Pay stub printing and distribution
- 401(k)/retirement plan integration
- Earned-wage access and pay card integrations
- Pay and total compensation statement access
- Continuous W2 access